When our community calls, we give back.
Goochland Food Bank
Collecting much needed food donations for the Goochland Food Bank. Thanks to all who donated.
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The Sophie House
Providing free classes to residents of the Sophie House and donating the proceeds of our Community Class for their new facility
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Chesterfield High Yoga Class
Goochland Pet Lovers
Supporting the new state of the art Adoption, Care and ​Education Center at the Goochland Pet Lovers Oyster Roast.
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Free studio classes for the Steward School
Donation of studio classes for the Steward School Annual Fundraiser.
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Yoga Classes for Veterans
Offering donation classes to current and past Military Veterans.
​Veterans who practice this type of yoga report better sleep, improved focus and concentration, less anger, and overall felling of well being which is vital to our lives. PTSD robs Veterans of the ability to be at peace and this system is proven to help manage hyper arousal and re-experiencing symptoms.